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Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Resolutions

<- This is pretty much how I've been feeling during our mini off season! (Maybe too much partying not enough roller skating?)

We are back to practices next week and we are going to be very busy in 2011. Our game has been moved to January 22nd in order to have it at the Kingsway Hangar! This is a double header (we'll be playing current champs, the Slice Girls)

We are also hosting an "open roster" gave for our travel team (February 5th at the hangar), we've invited all the leagues in the area to send us a few of their best girls to comprise a team to play the E-Ville Dead in preparation for our game vs. Terminal City Rollergirls (Vancouver) in mid February.

No Berzekhers game in February (Slice Girls vs Los Pistolitas on February 12th though!) but we'll be back in March to play the Black Gold Diggers!

ALSO: If your NY resolutions include anything along the line of learning to roller skate, meetings tons of great girls, getting fit, finding your alter ego or doing something you find scary email Thrashinista ( to snag one of the last spots for our fresh meat program starting January 13th and running for 8 weeks.

Love & bruises,
<3 Tron

Monday, December 6, 2010

Junior Derby, Senior Derby, want to play derby?

Congrats to the Slice Girls who beat the Black Gold Diggers on the weekend! The next E-Ville game will be on January 15th and will feature all 4 teams!
The Slice Girls vs Berzerkhers
Los Pistolitas vs Black Gold Diggers

This is an extra special game because not only our all 4 teams playing but it is also MY BIRTHDAY, BITCCHHHES!

This game will be back at the wonderful Kingsway Hangar and we're working on a killer after party so mark your calendars.

I would also like to congratulate all of our junior girls who played their first game of the season before the senior game on Saturday. Their game was sooo close, tied for a large portion of the game before WickEd beat the Orange Crushers by a few points. They were so much fun to ref and I cna already tell who's going to be taking my travel team spot in a few years time!

If you're 18+ and interested in playing roller derby there are still a few spots left for our January start Fresh Meat program. Email Thrashinista ( for details. No experience necessary, we'll teach you all the skills you'll need from the ground up.

<3 Tron